Green Development is an environmental group operating at Hvitfeldtska Gymnasiet.
Our goal is to educate students and people in the surrounding areas about climate change whilst we make an effort to change what we can around the school and in our local communities.
Previous years, we have consisted of about 15, dedicated members. It’s hard to find such a strong and loving community of passionate young adults in a high school group anywhere. We would love to welcome more people who are interested in learning about what we do.
YOU can get involved and help be the change that this world needs to see, one step at a time meanwhile you make friends for life.
For more information request to join our Facebook group: Green Development Hvitfeldtska Alternatively, come to one of our meetings this autumn and meet the team face-to-face. Time and location will be posted when available.
(Meetings are held in English, although a few members speak Swedish.)